Remember: You Are the One Who Knows
channeled to Ashalyn from Maitreya

Ashalyn and Maitreya have completed the book they’ve been working on together for several years now. Here is a brief introduction from Maitreya about their book.

“Your value is far greater than you think. I, Maitreya, have come here to help you remember your true self, explore possibilities, gladly walk through open doors, and learn to leave fear and disbelief behind.

“Your unlimited, multi-dimensional self now lives in human form. That is only one of the many forms you’ve experienced and gained knowledge from throughout your long existence. There were times when you were timeless, even formless; and that timeless-formless you has always been, and always will be. I would be honored to assist you in discovering the never-ending story of you, as you remember what you came here to accomplish.”

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Ashalyn invites you to read the Preface that’s below, to get an idea about what this book has to share.

            The question I hear often is, “Who is Maitreya?” I’ve been called many names during my long existence, one of which is The Laughing Buddha. I’ve also been called a World Teacher, or One Who Lives in Silence, when I led those types of embodied existence. My personal answer to that question comes from the deepest part of my heart, and goes like this. “I am one who knows that you know. I have come to gently remind you that you’ve forgotten much of what you learned during the many years of your existence. There is an endless amount of knowledge in your memory banks that has been closed off to you, until a time when you’re ready to use that knowledge in an appropriate way. I sit calmly, as I wait for that eventuality.
            “Some of what I’ve remembered about myself is that I am the stars that shine in the skies above, as well as the sky that holds them in place. I am but one of the many threads of knowledge that link all Creation together in a harmonic, peace-loving way, and I know your awakening is inevitable. I am the sun that rises daily; the moon that lights the night sky. I am the earth below, and the water that flows between Earth’s many islands and continents. I am The One who walks by your side; The One who lives in your pregnant belly; and The One who sits across the room from you, wondering how long it will take before you recognize your own greatness, while hoping it happens before you return to stardust. I am The One who lives inside you and wants more than anything for you to be released from the fear that prevents you from sharing all of what you already are with those who await the release of those precious pearls of wisdom. I watch and wait, as your consciousness awakens to the sacred place you hold within the Oneness of All Things. That is who I am. Do you know who you are?”
            I was told a story when I was a young boy, about how every living thing I saw before me had life and intelligence, as well as an ability to communicate, just like myself. Not one of those myriad of intelligent beings could communicate with one another, but there was an agreed-upon respect between them, along with a desire to live peacefully in the presence of one another. They lived like that for many years, and as time went on, their relationships became more intricate because their mind-to-mind communication skills were improving. Not a day went by without one of them intuiting what the other one was about to do. Those “discussions” were interspersed with helpful suggestions which led to beautiful creations that supported the entire community. One idea built upon another, which brought forth a prosperous community that reflected their heartfelt communications. Joy and laughter, as well as peace and harmony were experienced by all. Hard work was never shied away from, since that’s what was necessary to build everything they needed in their communal environment.
            Living in those structures, eating the foods grown there by happy healthy people who shared their inborn intelligence with each other, brought together a delightful existence that seemed it would last as long as they continued to live that way. Those who lived elsewhere heard about their ideal living situation and visited, with the hope of someday experiencing that same way of living. However, those newcomers lacked two of the key qualities, which were respectful communication, and the desire to work hard to accomplish their goals. With the absence of those two ingredients, their expectations of duplicating that ideal structure began to dwindle, bit by bit. The new people were more than willing to receive the bounty created by communal living, but they lacked the intuitive sensitivities that were needed for them to work in conjunction with those who didn’t need rules and regulations to help them accomplish their goals. Those who had been there longer simply did what felt right to them, following their inner guidance.
            The subtleties involved in that situation were not easily understood by the others. When the locals attempted to define how intuitive communications had become so prevalent there, they didn’t know how to describe it. That orientation of cooperation resulted from their original desire to “live peacefully with each other.” It was an organic process based on their love and respect for every one of the intelligent beings who lived there. Those feelings simply arose from the depths of their own hearts, rather than being a “learned ability” that was taught to one person by another, as were sewing clothing or cooking food. Their inborn desire for peaceful surroundings paved the way for that.
            The moral to the story is, trust what comes naturally from the depths of your soul; seek clarity, but don’t ask why. Learning to access that part of yourself is easier than you may think. One difficulty today is that many people have gotten too comfortable being in their “human shell” and have forgotten their spirit self is One with all things. Another challenge is that people are taught to look outside of themselves to find what they seek, rather than focusing their attention inward, to where they can begin to access the knowledge they once accrued during their past life experiences, and begin to use it in their present lifetime.
            An end goal for some is to live in a place of understanding that facilitates peaceful relations with each other, rather than battling through your disagreements as so many do now. Reactivating those sensitivities described in the previous story is not only possible, it’s actually required if you want to attain a peace-filled existence once again. When you use the right intention and focus, along with a loving, respectful attitude toward each other, that kind of balance begins to appear in the world around you. Once found, all involved are responsible for maintaining that balance as you move through your various responsibilities and interactions. I know you have what it takes to return to that state of respectful coexistence, because I’ve watched you from afar for a very long time. You’ve proven that you’re capable of much more than that.