Your Discernment Needs Help

What are you doing with your life? Are you living up to your potential? Today I was inspired to ask Saint Germain for his opinion on some things that have really been bothering me. I have been receiving channeled messages from him for over 30 years and totally trust...

A Visit with the Trolls

On October 10, 2014 I was on a Sacred Site Tour with two clients at a waterfall in the Mt. Shasta area. While in meditation we went inside one of the portals there. The portal I chose was the home of the king and queen of the trolls – a place I had been many times....

The Purpose of Existence

The Purpose of Existence channeled by Ashalyn from RaSereo, 6/16/13  The purpose for your existence is to bring forth all that you are and manifest a life full of intricate interactions between every person you come in contact with. Connecting on a very deep level...

Find the Peace Within You

Find the Peace Within You: by God the Father, April 27, 2013  [I (Ashalyn) really love it when God the Father gives me messages. The words come through me so easily and the messages are so practical and down to Earth. Enjoy!] I greet you this beautiful Spring day....

The Stars in Heaven Speak

The Stars in Heaven Speak [As I (Ashalyn) tuned in for today’s message, April 24, 2013, this is what I heard.] The world is falling to pieces right now. Others will be injured and even killed by natural and man-made events. The slate is being cleared. The evil ones...