Communing with Trolls

Communing with Trolls

On October 10, 2014 I was on a Sacred Site Tour with two clients at a waterfall in the Mt. Shasta area. While in meditation we went inside one of the portals there. The portal I chose was the home of the king and queen of the trolls – a place I had been many times. After we greeted each other, they asked me to tell people more about them and what they do. They spoke to me telepathically and I wrote what they said in my notebook. This is what they said.

We are very friendly and mean no harm to anyone. We find joy in the changing of the seasons, the birth of an animal and much more that happens here in our forest. We gather twigs, berries and roots and live on those throughout the year. We watch the flow of the waters, both above and below the ground and navigate or change that flow whenever we see a need. We are builders of trails and movers of rocks. We keep flow flowing and take great pride in that.

The river we live by comes and goes in height and strength, so there is much movement all of that brings. As the waters recede we unblock trails, above and below the ground, and clear away rocks that have been moved downstream by the flowing waters. We relax by watching stars in the night sky and playing in the waters that flow. Meal time is for nourishment, to keep us strong and happy.

Our homes are inside the earth in caves and behind rock structures. Our eyes see well in the dark and in the daylight. That has to do with our ability to become one with the world around us. We are a jolly lot, as a whole, with very little trauma in our lives. Occasionally someone gets injured, but even that is a joyful occasion for we get to use our healing herbs and salves on their wounds. We love all that comes to us for we know we are one. Your presence makes us happy, so thanks for visiting with us today. Come by anytime you’re in this area.

We then said our goodbyes and I ended my meditation. After I shared the message with my clients, one of them wanted to visit with them, too. So she sat in a small cave that was near their home and envisioned herself at their door. The photo above is her meditating in the cave. When complete, she shared her experience with me.

She said that their door was already open, as if they knew she was coming, and they were happy to see her. After greeting them, she apologized for the unconscious actions that humans sometimes participate in. They didn’t want to talk about serious things like that and started to talk about things that make them happy. Then she placed a large crystal that she brought on the tour with her on their wooden table because she thought they would like to see it. They said it was nice but chose to talk more about the salves and healing potions they had created, which was of more interest to them. She is an herbalist and I guess they knew she’d be interested in that. They told her that they read the veins in a plant’s leaves which tell them what the plant should be used for.

She saw several young trolls there, too, who were very happy and playful. They touched the skin on her arms and commented on how soft it was. Then they let her touch their arms, which had much more hair than hers did. She knew it was time to leave so she gave her thanks and goodbyes to the trolls and they invited her to visit them again. She had a huge smile on her face as she finished her meditation. She wanted to stay there much longer, but she knew we were waiting for her so we could explore another place. Talking with the trolls was quite an adventure.