Mount Shasta is one of the Seven Sacred Mountains of the world and as such, has much to offer the sincere spiritual seeker. The mountain continues to call many people here to expand their conscious awareness, do personal healing, seek answers, commune with Spirit, raise your vibrational frequency and realign with the power of nature. I invite you to explore Mount Shasta with me through my website, blog posts, videos, articles, photos and insights that I’ve gained by living and exploring this area for over 33 years. And when you are able, come visit here like thousands of others do each year. Perhaps our Tour Guides can help you find what you seek, even if you don’t know what that is.

Testimonial: October 2009

“…thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Alison and I had a truly amazing experience on our guided vision quest. It was a powerful and spiritually significant day, and what I believe will be an important turning point in both our lives. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us. You are a beautiful person who has genuinely enriched our pursuits.”

~ n8b; server & student of metaphysics; Denver, CO