Find the Peace Within You

Find the Peace Within You: by God the Father, April 27, 2013  [I (Ashalyn) really love it when God the Father gives me messages. The words come through me so easily and the messages are so practical and down to Earth. Enjoy!] I greet you this beautiful Spring day....

The Stars in Heaven Speak

The Stars in Heaven Speak [As I (Ashalyn) tuned in for today’s message, April 24, 2013, this is what I heard.] The world is falling to pieces right now. Others will be injured and even killed by natural and man-made events. The slate is being cleared. The evil ones...

How Do We Change the World?

How Do We Change the World? received by Ashalyn from God the Father April 22, 2013 – Earth Day  I [Ashalyn] woke up this morning with words in my head that I knew I must write down. After I wrote the first few lines, I asked who was speaking to me and was told, “God...